Thursday 20 October 2011


Of all the great gifts of sunnas our prophet gave to muslim umma , three are very important. Followers of those three sunnas will be highly blessed by Allah.

Our prophet married an under age girl, making marriages with underage girls very popular among good muslims.

Although kuffar claim that it destroys the lives of those young girls but what is more important, life of a a domesticated animal who will most probably end up in hell like most women or Sunna of the best man who ever lived?

Saudi Girl, 12, Married to to 80-Year-Old Relative
by Amanda Kloer January 25, 2010 07:00 AM (PT) Topics: Child Trafficking

In Saudi Arabia, the only thing keeping an 80-year-old man from buying, marrying, and then raping his 12-year-old relative is ... nothing. It happened this week.

For Saudi Arabia, this is hardly a unique case. Earlier this year, a judge refused to grant a divorce to an eight-year-old girl who was forced to marry an 47-year-old man by her father.

Our prophet married his daughter in law Zainab who was also his first cousin. This sunna is so popular that in muslim countries that over 50% marriages are with first cousins. Scientists try to scare muslims that in breeding causes genetic diseases, lowered IQ and poor health issues but saying such a thing is a blasphemy of our prophet. How can be a sunna be so bad for umma . We know nothing happens unless Allah wants it. Once some jihadis asked Prophet if they could practice withdrawal method to rape their captured women to avoid pregnancy because impregnated girls bring low ransom money. Prophet said nothing happens unless Allah wants it ;so enjoy sex with them in any way you want.

Bukhari Book 008, Number 3371:

Abu Sirma said We went out with Allah's Messenger on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some beautiful Arab women. We decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception) to get good ransom later. We asked Allah's Mes- senger about it and he said: It does not matter , for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born by Allah’s order.


By Bryan Fischer

Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist (ana filthy kafir) who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous consequences of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins.

The practice of marrying close relatives, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.

The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan, the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.

The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia, 64% in Jordan and Kuwait, 63% in Sudan, 60% in Iraq, and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.

The risk of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.


A BBC report discussed Pakistanis in Britain, 55% of whom marry a first cousin. Given the high rate of such marriages, many children come from repeat generations of first-cousin marriages. The report states that these children are 13 times more likely than the general population to produce children with genetic disorders, and one in ten children of first-cousin marriages in Birmingham either dies in infancy or develops a serious disability.[6]

Of the three important sunnas, the most blessful is killing a bad muslim in the name of islam,. While other sunnas give you credits towards paradise this sunna guarantees it (9.111) Our prophet despised and hated bad muslims (which included non practicing types,apostates and blasphemers) even more than he hated jews. While he had the kuffar beheaded but he had the bad muslims burned down along with their dwellings and mosques..

Bukhari V1:B11:N626:
“The Prophet said, “burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes”
Prophet had a mosque (Masjid e Zarrar) burnt down along with the bad muslims praying inside . Those vermins had made different excuses not to join the prophet in Jihad. Allah accused them as liars and munafiqs and prophet had their mosque burned down with them inside, all who tried to escape were beaten back (like the Saudi girls without hijab trying to escape the school fire in Saudi Arabia)..

YUSUFALI: And there are those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity - to disunite the Believers - and in preparation for one who warred against Allah and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; But Allah doth declare that they are certainly liars.
Alhamdulillah, even after 1400 years good muslims kill bad muslims with zest. Here is the latest Example:

A cristian young lady claimed that Christianity was the true religion. This statement earned her death penalty in Pakistan for blasphemy of implying that islam was not a true religion . The governor Salman Taseer promised to have the Christian girl pardoned by the president and have the blasphemy law revised. He was declared a blasphemer by all the clerics of Pakistan thus liable to be killed. Governors own bodyguard pumped 20 bullets in his body and became in instant hero in Pakistan.

Crowd kissed and garlanded Malik Qadri and prominent lawyers showered him with rose petals for killing a prominent Pakistani governor when he arrived Wednesday for his first court


Good muslims kill bad muslims in hundreds daily in muslim countries and gain Allah’s blessings . But here are the major massacres and genocide of bad muslims just in recent history which make the whole muslim imam proud. The numbers indicate killed vermins , there is no data availableon the numbers of maimed bad muslims for life.

- 50,000 Tajikistan, 1992-96 (secularists against Islamists)
- 40,000 Chad, 1982-90
- 25,000 Jordan government vs. Palestinians, 1970-71 (Black September)
- 20,000 Syria, 1982 (against Islamists in Hama)
- 10,000 South Yemen, 1986 (civil war)
- 16,000 Western Sahara, 1975-present
- 75,000 Iraq, 2003-present (by suicide bombing and assassinations)
- 80,000 Iran, 1978-79 (revolution)
- 100,000 North Yemen, 1962-70
- 140,000 Kuwait War, 1990-91
- 150,000 Lebanon civil war, 1975-90
- 150,000 Liberia, 1989-97
- 300,000 Iraq, 1970-2003 (Saddam against minorities)
- 300,000 Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, 1980s-1990s
- 400,000 Somalia, 1991-present
- 200,000 Algeria, 1991-2006 (between Islamists and the government)
- 1,000,000 Iran-Iraq-War, 1980-88
- 1,100,000 Nigeria, 1966-79 (Biafra); 1993-present
- 1,900,000 Sudan, 1955-72; 1983-2006 (civil wars, genocides)
- 200,000 Afghanistan 1980’s and 1990s Civil war between factions
- 300,000 Bangladesh, West Pakistanis killing Bengalis

America's thirty plus year encounter

America's thirty plus year encounter
with Islamic terrorism
By Steven Simpson
The Islamic terror attacks of September 11, 2001 did not come as a bolt out of the blue. For close to thirty years, America's record of dealing with the hydra of Islamic terror was at best abysmal. Two earlier attacks, however, and the lack of American retaliation to these attacks, might very well have paved the way for the atrocity of 9/11. These two attacks were the Iranian takeover of the American embassy in Tehran in 1979 and the bombing massacre of the Marines in Beirut in 1983.

On November 4, 1979, hundreds of so-called "Muslim students" or "militants" stormed the American embassy in Tehran, Iran, taking dozens of Americans hostage. The "Iranian hostage crisis" had begun. After 444 days of brutal captivity, fifty-two American hostages were released on January 20, 1981. The attack, sanctioned by the government of Iran, may be considered the date when fanatical Islam began its official war on America.

The imprisonment of the American hostages and the ongoing ordeal that ensued remain one of America's most embarrassing humiliations. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his Islamic Republic of Iran had brought the United States to its knees. Had the Carter administration immediately threatened retaliatory military strikes on Iran's political, military, and oil infrastructures, it is possible that the hostages might have spent 444 minutes of captivity instead of the 444 days that they were forced to endure. Instead, Carter wrote a polite letter to the Ayatollah requesting that the hostages be released. The letter appeared only to embolden Khomeini, who later boasted that "America cannot do a damn thing." The failed rescue attempt on April 24, 1980 only added to America's humiliation and Iran's contempt for Carter and the nation he led.

(The storming of embassies and taking of hostages was not an Iranian invention. On March 2, 1973, members of the PLO stormed the Saudi embassy in Khartoum, Sudan. The United States ambassador to the Sudan and his charges d'affaires were viciously executed under the explicit orders of the godfather of terrorism himself, Yasser Arafat. The Nixon administration took no action. While the two embassy takeovers had no direct connection, the PLO and Khomeini had excellent relations dating back to the early 1970s.)

When Iran freed the hostages on January 20, 1981, it came minutes after Ronald Reagan had been sworn in as president. Whether the Iranians feared Reagan or wanted to further humiliate Carter is still open to debate. However, if Iran was indeed fearful of Reagan, the fear did not last long. Iran suffered no repercussions from the U.S. after the hostage crisis. Close to two and a half years later, Ronald Reagan would have his first devastating encounter with Iran and its proxies, leaving a trail of American blood in the Middle East.

The background to the bloody encounters began in August 1982. The United States had entered Lebanon for the express purpose of overseeing the withdrawal of the PLO in the wake of Israel's June incursion into Lebanon. Israel had conducted a military campaign to stop PLO rockets from shelling northern Israel. However, a series of bloody events followed in September with the assassination of the Maronite Christian president-elect and reprisals by Christians and Muslims against each other. The U.S., which had already withdrawn its troops, reentered Lebanon in late September to try and stabilize the chaotic situation.

On April 18, 1983, the American embassy was rocked by a suicide truck bomber which killed 63 people. Seventeen Americans, including the Beirut CIA chief, were among the victims. The Iranian- and Syrian-backed terrorist group Hezb'allah claimed responsibility. As with the hostage crisis, there was no American response. The failure to retaliate to this massacre was a catastrophic mistake that would lead some five months later to a much worse murderous attack.

On early Sunday morning, October 23, 1983, another suicide bomber struck. This time, the target was the U.S. Marine barracks located at the Beirut International Airport. A Mercedes truck laden with an estimated six tons of TNT was exploded. The blast resulted in the murder of 220 Marines, 18 Navy, and three Army personnel. In the aftermath of various investigations, including that of the FBI, the blast was considered to be the biggest non-nuclear explosion since World War II.

Once again, Hezb'allah claimed responsibility. While President Reagan ordered a retaliatory strike, nothing followed. According to a 2001 PBS interview, then National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane stated that Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger had "aborted" the retaliatory raid. In any event, the United States soon pulled out of Lebanon once and for all. This "cut and run" behavior of America was not lost on a young Osama bin Laden, who later recalled it as a sign of America being a "paper tiger."

Terrorist attacks against Americans continued throughout the 1980s, with more attacks in Lebanon and elsewhere. The attacks included hijackings, kidnappings, murder, and bombings. Time and time again, there was no American retaliation.

On October 7, 1985, Arab terrorists from the PLO faction the Palestine Liberation Front hijacked a passenger ship, murdering one disabled American Jewish man and throwing his body into the sea. Finally, America acted. President Reagan ordered the plane carrying the hijackers -- who had been freed by Egypt -- to be forced down and to land in Italy. On April 5, 1986, a Berlin discotheque was bombed. Three American servicemen were killed. American intelligence traced the source of the attack to Muammar Qaddafi's Libya. This time, President Reagan acted with strong retaliation, striking Libya's capital of Tripoli and the city of Benghazi with U.S. aircraft.

As the 1980s turned into the 1990s, the first World Trade Center bombing occurred. This attack was treated as if it were a simple criminal matter and not a case of international terrorism. President Clinton didn't even bother to visit the site of the first Islamic terror attack to hit the United States mainland. The Clinton administration also exhibited a "cut and run" attitude, most notably in Somalia in October 1993. Eighteen American soldiers were killed in battles with Somali militias, with some of the bodies dragged through the streets of the capital, Mogadishu.

As the Clinton years continued, there were the Khobar towers bombing, the twin bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the suicide attack against the USS Cole. Al-Qaeda had claimed credit for the attacks, but Clinton's attempts to capture or kill bin Laden were lukewarm at best. A few cruise missiles were fired into Afghanistan, and a pharmaceutical factory was struck in Sudan in response to the Cole bombing.

Of course, all changed on September 11, 2001. George W. Bush finally took the war to the heart of where the Islamic terrorists had devised their plans for 9/11 by invading Afghanistan. To bin Laden and other terrorists, this must have come as a great shock, based on the behavior of past American administrations.

The lesson to be learned, especially from the Iranian hostage crisis and the Beirut massacre of the Marines, is to strongly retaliate as quickly as possible. Not responding only emboldens the enemy and is an invitation for even worse atrocities. The attacks of 9/11 are witness to the decades of America's mistake in its tragic failure to respond resolutely to Islamic terror.


Most muslims think that if they pray five times, fast, give zakat and do Haj they will avoid hell. Not so fast. They miss the most important duty and requirement of being a muslim ,that is going to jihad and killing kafirs.

Muslims are ordered to carry out Jihad and kill infidels:

Fighting jihad (and killing kuffar) for for Allah is ordained for you. It is in your best interest even if you hate it.

Kill the infidels wherever you find them.

Any muslim who ignores this supreme commandment of Allah to kill will be punishment severely (in grave and in hell fire) .

You who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth for jihad for Allah , you cling heavily to the earth?

If you will not go forth to fight in the cause of ALLAH, HE will punish you with a painful punishment.


119.71 (Hilali and Khan) There is not one of you who will not go to hell; this is with your Lord; a Decree which must be accomplished.


The only guarantee for avoiding hell and going to paradise instantly anf copulate with virgins is to carryout jihad, kill and get killed.

Paradise is guaranteed for those who kill and get killed for Allah. It is a binding on Allah.

3.169: Those who are killed in Allah’s way are not dead but they are alive and are enjoying bounties provided by the lord.


Infidels will suffer grave torture and will be in hell forever.

Bad/non practising/heretic muslims will suffer grave torture and long hell time. Whether they will be put in paradise eventually , will be decided on judgement day

Muslims who prayed, fasted, gave zakat and did Haj but did not participate in Jihad and killed kuffar will suffer torture in grave and will do some hell time before being sent to paradise. Their hell time will be decided on judgement day

Those muslims who participated in violent Jihad will not suffer any grave torture nor will they do any hell time. They will proceed to paradise after judgement day.

Those muslims who killed and got killed for Allah will avoid grave and helltime altogether. They will instantly go to paradise and start copulating with virgins. They will also be allowed to nominate 70 of their near and dear ones for paradise.



Ayesha Ahmed
Allah gave our prophet the best death a horny man can dream of, he died while making love to the one he loved to make love most..


Ibn Hisham page 682:

….that he heard Aisha say: “The apostle
died on my bosom during my turn: [of having sex with]. It was due to my ignorance and extreme youth that the apostle died in my arms

Sahih Bukhari,
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 144:

Narrated ‘Aisha:
He died on the day of my usual turn ( of having sex) at my house.
Allah took him unto him while his head was between my chest and my
neck and his saliva was mixed with my SALIVA.

Aisha is blaming her youth and ignorance for causing Prophet’s death . Aisha’s eager cooperation excited Prophet immensely which lead to a wild session of foreplay and tongue action followed by intensive sex . Due to her inexperience she could not see the danger of an old man performing sex with a young woman during his serious illness. Timely slowing down or stopping him could have saved his life. Prophet had an explosive climax which his old and sick heart could not handle and went in a cardiac arrest. She saw him die and slump on her bosom during his moment of extreme pleasure. (which is not uncommon in such cases). That is why she felt guilty of causing his death..


The hadiths indicate that instead of having kalima on his mouth like a good muslim during his last moments , prophet’s mouth was busy in tongue action and French kissing.


His body must have stiffened as he died during his pleasure moment in an “as is” condition. The fact that they tried to cover him with triple shroud indicates an embarrassing bulge which they must have tried to even out by extra layers of clothing. They wouldn’t have wanted all to know what their prophet was up to when he died.

Dawood, Book 20, Number 3147:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was shrouded in three garments made in Najran: two garments and one shirt in which he died.

Apparently neither the three clothing layers nor the reported delay in burial helped in the situation and he was buried quietly.


by Aisha Amed
Muslim community in Buffalo N.Y and Virginia is outraged on 40 year old married Haji Hafiz Mohammed Memon, author of Islamic books and principal of a well known Islamic boarding school.

He had tricked two of his young and pretty burqa wearing hijabbed girl students into fake marriage and having sex with them.. .

It all started when he was reading about Prophet's affair with his daughter in law Zainab.. Prophet was turned on by his lovely daughter in law whom he badly wanted to screw. Prophet managed to trick her into his bed with a fake marriage by saying that Allah had married her to him in heaven and had sent this message via Gibraeel as an aya of quran.(33.37).. . It worked like a charm; Zainab was in Mo's bed in no time since his son Zaid and all others in Madina fell for the scam.. All of a sudden Haji Saheb of Buffalo, N.Y. had a great idea to seduce his naïve female students by a similar scam.He knew that they trusted him totally like Zainab , Zaid and all muslims trusted prophet. Why wouldn't they, Haji Saheb was a very pious Islamic scholar, a hafiz of Quran and and Imam of the school mosque, school's principal and writer of Islamic books . His scam worked like a charm like Prophet's. He managed to sleep with atleast two of his young and pretty students (for two years with one of them) . Here is the news story.

Principal of Islamic school in Buffalo ousted over sex allegations

He may have taken student as second wife
Updated: 08/27/08 2:57 PM

Mohammed Ibrahim Memon

The principal of an Islamic boarding school on Buffalo's East Side has been forced to resign after allegations that he was sexually involved with one of his students and that he claimed to have taken her as a second wife.

Evidence suggests Mohammed Ibrahim Memon 40, a father of seven, persuaded a very religious hijabbed student Sajidah Khan, then 21, to sleep with him after lieing to her that a marriage ceremony with her was already performed in her absence

Dr. Khalid J. Qazi, president of the local chapter of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, expressed disappointment over Memon's “inappropriate and intimate relationship.”

"Parents have trusted their daughters with Imam Ibrahim, and he has broken that trust and by having sex with them," Qazi said.

Mixed views expressed

"We were betrayed," said Chaudhary A. Khan of Woodbridge, Va., Sajidah's father, who has sent four children to Madania.

At issue is Memon's relationship with Sajidah Khan, now 23.

Khan says Memon proposed to her at school in August 2006, and proclaimed within days he had married her himself, under Islamic law and then consummated the marriage. He also told her to keep their marriage secret.

Memon admitted "intimate, clandestine sexual relations" with Sajida Khan from August 2006 to July 2008.

Darul-Uloom Al-Madania consists of a complex of brick buildings, along with Masjid Zakariya, a former church cathedral.

Because interaction between the sexes is forbidden under Islam until marriage, girls and boys are not allowed to be in the same classroom or have outside contact.

When girls are taught by male teachers, they must listen in another room.

Khan attended the girls secondary school through 10th grade. She continued her studies with a five-year program leading to a certificate of Islamic scholarship in 2006.

It was in her last year of study, Khan said, that Memon sought her out. Khan says he arranged a secret meeting on Aug. 30, 2006, in the locked basement of a heating room.

Khan said the imam flirted with her, and she had to repel him when he tried to have physical contact. That day marked the first time he talked of marriage, she said.

Until that day, Khan said, she could count the social contacts she had had with males on one hand.

"In our culture, we don't even let girls sit with their male cousins, and this guy is a teacher. Why is this man, who has said we are not even allowed to chat with a boy, doing this?" she said.

"At the same time, I'm thinking, 'He is a teacher, he is very famous, maybe he knows something I don't know.'"

Memon persisted with marriage requests. Khan says after she agreed, Memon told her he had finalized their marriage the next day, Sept. 8, in her absence.

Memon insisted she tell no one, including her parents, Khan said. Their sexual relationship started that day.

She returned home to live with her parents in a Virginia suburb, but schemed with Memon for meetings near her home and in Buffalo and had sex.

Khan said Memon was always concerned about covering his tracks so their relationship wouldn't be detected., although Memon's wife, Mariam, approved.

She was surprised to hear the educator make dismissive comments about the girls who studied at Madania, and "often said women were [on Earth] only to satisfy men."

Chaudhary Khan, Sajidah's father, said Memon eventually admitted marrying his daughter, but wouldn't send a marriage contract to confirm it..

"Within the Islamic community, the family has such a high status that everyone is worried about compromising one's honor and dignity. People are also afraid to give Islam a bad name, especially in the current climate."

A former Madania girl student, who wished to remain anonymous, also told The News she had a intimate relationship with Memon several years ago as a student. Days after accepting his marriage proposal, she said, Memon told her he married them both in front of two witnesses she came to believe never existed. Memon then started sleeping with the very religious and hijabbed girl.

Also, like Khan, the former student said Memon told her not to tell anyone. But she did, and soon her father removed her from the school. The woman no longer believes she was married to Memon, and is bitter toward the school and its teachings.

"When I talked to [the former student], we realized it was almost the same story for both of us," Khan said.

"If you take the Islamic perspective out of it , then you would see nothing really wrong with our relationship," Memon said.


By Ayesha Ahmed

“The militant Muslim is the person cutting the head of the infidel while the moderate Muslim holds the victims feet”.stition"


“. The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims is that any harm done to any one who does not accept their law and any appropriation of his goods, is no sin at all”.




“Over a billion people believe in Allah without truly knowing what Allah supposedly stands for or what he really demands of them. And the minority that do understand continue to be Moslems because they have redefined their morality and ethics to fit within the teachings of Islam, which are floridly lacking in morality. They therefore redefine what is good and evil in order to fit their lives into what is preached by Islam, instead of examining Islam to see if it fits within the good life. Backwards thinking, imposed by a backward religion”.


Churchill, W - The River War 1899:
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”


“I studied the Kuran a great deal … I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammed”


“Muslims are the first victims of Islam. Many times I have observed in my travels that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain others in the practice of this religion by terror. To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him”.


“The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within.”


“The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. As a contribution to research on the quantity of the Islamic crimes against humanity, we may mention that the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanat)”


"Show me just what Prophet Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”


“Islamic societies are suffocated by shackles around the human spirit and brain. Islamic theology is driven by machoism, dominance, intolerance, submission and violence to all that disagrees with Islam’s principles of law”:


“The most successful lecherous man who used religion for his personal gain is Prophet Mohammed. Islam is a cult with it’s complete irrational belief in Allah created by Muhammed who was a liar, thief, murderer and rapist till his last breath”.


.” Allah is a cruel tyrant, a barbaric killer and a violent despot . Islamic Umma is the biggest criminal gang on earth and Allah is leader and guide of that criminal gang and is trying to establish himself as the God of the world (not of the universe) with the help of the mujahidin through terror and bloodshed”.


“Islam is a false and dangerous way of living”.


“For good people to do evil things, that takes religion. Religion is an insult to human dignity” .


“Belief in God is childish superstition”


“Religion is the opium of the masses”


By Ayesha Ahmed
I am sick and tired of the Western (so called) moderate Islamic groups like ISNA, ICNA, CAIR ,MSA, MAS etc (the modern day kuffars) through their teeth and insisting that all Muslims love Jesus of Nazareth because he was a Islamic prophet of Allah like Mohammed and is mentioned in Quran as Eisa.. They invented this lie to lick the behinds of the western infidels. The truth is that Jesus of Nazareth could not have been a prophet of Islam while Eisa was one, according to Quran.


Quran says:

4.171 “ Eisa was a prophet of Allah”

And all prophets of Allah were Muslims and taught the true religion of Islam.


3.52 Then when 'Eisa asked his followers: "Who will be my helpers in Allah's Cause?" They said: "We are the helpers of Allah; we believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are Muslims”


There is absolutely no historical or biblical record that Jesus or his followers were ever Muslims. There is no record of Jesus or his disciples making wudu , performing salat facing Mecca, observing Ramadan or going to Arabia for Haj and running around the  Kaaba temple half naked loudly chanting Arabic verses.


 The litmus test of prophethood is comparison with the life of our prophet. Who was a perfect human being and a role model for all. Any one who claims to be a Muslim prophet must meet at least some, if not all of the characteristics of our role model, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Let us look at the characteristics of prophets and proofs of prophethood. Â


          This is the most important proof of prophethood. Obsession with sex comes with the prophetic territory. All Prophets love sex and are extremely horny. They all go for variety, quality and quantity. When  Mo was not a prophet he was very docile and had no sexual ambitions. He married an old rich widow, a mother of three grown up daughters, when he himself was just 25 years old... He was more interested in spending his days and nights in a cave than making love to his new wife. Only after he got prophethood his libido shot up and he went after every beautiful woman he could lay his hands on ... That is the reason Quranic aya 33.50 was sent down to meet his enormous sexual appetite..

33.50 “ O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Verily, We have made lawful to you your wives, your captives and slave girls, your first cousins, and any believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet wishes to have sex with her”.

 After his prophethood he married over 15 beautiful younger women including a six year old child.. and, also enjoyed any woman who offered herself to him as well as hundreds of captured women who came in his share of booty. Sometimes he had sex with all his wives during the night and slept with other Muslimas and slave girls during the day.

 Our modern day prophets like Rev Jim Jones of Guiana, Rev David Koreish of Texas, Rev Warren Jeff of Utah and Shree Bhagwaan Rajneesh of Oregon etc may not have been as lucky as our prophet but they had their fair share of action.. They all were known to have sex with their disciples and their daughters. Even the unsuccessful sixty something prophet Brian Mitchel of Utah kidnapped 15 year old Elizabeth Smart and slept with her for a year before getting nabbed cutting his prophethood career short..

    Jesus of Nazareth miserably fails this prophetic requirement.. He never even touched a woman leave alone having sex with multiple partners although he had a very large number of disciples who would have gladly obliged.


     This is another important proof of a true prophet. A prophet never works for his living, it is below his dignity. He always feeds on the wealth and earnings of his disciples. Before Mo became a prophet he worked hard for his living. Once he became a prophet he did not work for a single day. First he lived on his wife’s money. Later when he had many followers he sent them to raid the villages of non Muslims and collected 20% of all the booty including captured women.

     Jim Jones, Warren Jeff, Bhagwaan Rajneesh , and David Koreish also lived very comfortably off their disciple’s wealth and earnings. Prophet Brian Mitchell also stopped working after he became an apostle of God. However he was nabbed before he could build up a following so he had to live like a popper.

     Records show that Jesus never milked his  followers for his living. Thus he fails this test of prophethood.


  . A prophet cannot have people doubting his prophethood or criticizing his activities. Unless such trouble makers are punished/ beheaded without mercy and made an example of , a prophet cannot carry on God’s work. That is why Quran was very clear to Prophet Mo on it..

9.5 “ Slay the disbelievers wherever you find them”

4.89 “ Kill the renegades”

Our prophet had all his critics brutally beheaded which terrorirized and silenced any one who dared to doubt him.. His world record of cutting throats of 900 disbelievers in a single day is still unbroken .

     Leave alone non Muslims, our prophet was even brutal to believing Muslims who dared to  be negligent on the daily compulsory  prayers .

Bukhari:V1B11N626 “The Prophet said, “burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.’”

     That is the reason even after 1400 years good Muslims soil their pants even with the thought of criticizing their prophet or missing a salat...

   Although today’s infidel laws preclude public throat cutting of the critics, modern day prophets have used other innovative  ways of persecution of those who doubt them or leave their cults. Several cultists who left Jim Jones were killed by unknown assassins or found dead mysteriously.

      Jesus did not have a single throat cutting to his credit. On the contrary he himself was brutalized and crucified on a cross.


 Allah has said

2.178 “Retaliation is prescribed for you. If some one kills your slave, kill his slave, if some one kills your woman, kill his woman and if some one kills your man kill his man”

 Above is the minimum Islamic retaliation which is a “fard”. If you go by Sunna , you are allowed to retaliate by killing anyone who even makes fun of you.. Our prophet was laughed at and made fun off in Mecca at a time he was weak. After he captured Mecca he ordered to instantly kill all those who made fun of him even if they were hiding inside Kaaba. That is the proof of a real prophet.

     Once Rev. Jim Jones announced that by praying he had created  fried chicken. A disciple joked with his friend sitting next to him “how cum his created fried chicken tasted like Kentucky fried chicken” The friend ratted on him and the perpetrator was poisoned and almost died of diarrhea. He had to publicly apologize.

      Jesus said “love thy enemy”. This violates aya 2.178. Thus he violated Quran.


       All prophets suffer from  disorders like narcissism, pedophilia, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) etc. Our prophet being the top apostle, suffered from all of those plus some more like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia. His epileptic seizures gave the Muslim Umma the glorious Quran and his OCD gave them all the wonderful Islamic rituals. These exclusive Islamic rituals include wudu and salat involving repetitive washing of hands and feet intermittently all day long followed by multiple setups and ass ups. Other rituals include obsessive compulsive reading of Quran without understanding every day and reciting Quranic ayas during every activity  even defecating, making love and passing gas.

      Jesus did not suffer from any of the above disorders. He did not prescribe any daily repetitive rituals nor he recommended  bible recitals during defecation, love making,    passing gas etc.. That is an ample proof that he was not a Muslim prophet.


     No way could Jesus be a Muslim prophet. He was totally opposite to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and violated Quranic ayas on every step.

     If at all he was Eisa of the Quran than he could not be a  Prophet but  perhaps  God himself since Eisa cured the sick and gave life to the dead.. .
